Welcome to Nanjing, China | 22-24 August, 2025

With the development of information and communication technology (ICT), technologies and industries such as telecommunications, electronic information manufacturing, and quantum information will usher in unprecedented development trends. This rapidly evolving field has generated widespread interest from academia and industry worldwide to explore new opportunities and challenges. In this context, the Information and Communication Technology Conference (ICTC) will bring together top scholars and experts from various fields around the world. And they will conduct in-depth research on cutting-edge issues in the field of ICT, exchange the latest research results, explore the frontiers of technological innovation, and respond to the key insights for addressing social issues in the digital age.

2025 6th Information Communication Technologies Conference (ICTC 2025) will be held in Nanjing, China during August 22-24, 2025. ICTC 2025 is sponsored by Southeast University. At the event, participants will have the opportunity to share their research results in the field of ICT, discuss future technology trends, and how to deal with security challenges related to digitalization. In addition, this conference will further explore how to promote continuous progress in the ICT field, thereby laying a solid foundation for digital development. You are welcome to attend ICTC!

随着信息和通信技术(ICT)的发展,电信业、电子信息制造、量子信息等科技和产业将迎来前所未有的发展趋势。这一快速演进的领域引发了全球学术界和产业的广泛兴趣,以探讨新的机遇和挑战。在此背景下,信息通信技术会议 (ICTC)将汇集来自全球各领域的顶尖学者和专家共同深入研究ICT领域的前沿问题,交流最新的研究成果,探讨技术创新的前沿,以及为应对数字化时代社会问题提供关键见解。

ICTC作为东南大学主办的系列年度会议,每年在美丽的南京召开。同时,我们荣幸的宣布,2025年第六届信息通信技术会议(ICTC 2025) 将于2025年8月22-24日在中国南京举行。在活动中,与会者将有机会分享他们在ICT领域的研究成果,探讨未来的技术趋势,以及如何应对与数字化相关的安全挑战。此外,这个会议将进一步探讨如何推动ICT领域的不断进步,从而为数字化发展打下坚实的基础。会议持续三天,我们期待来自亚洲、欧洲、北美和其他地区的各位专家学者的参与。大会所涉及的主题包括通信理论、无线通信、通信信号处理、无线网络、物联网、光学通信、信息理论、密码学、信息和网络安全等议题。会议流程中包含有主旨演讲、受邀演讲、口头演讲和海报。我们邀请您的参加,并来体验中国南京的众多美景,还将安排 紫金山实验室参观访问 等活动,欢迎参加!

ICTC2024论文集会后3个月被Ei Compendex 和 Scopus 检索 (点击查看)。
征稿正式启动!ICTC 2025所有录用文章在完成注册后将收录至会议论文集,文章作者将被邀请参会展示报告。
· ICTC2024论文集会后2个月收录至IEEE Xplore (点击查看)
· 科普江苏报道 ICTC2024 (Read More)
· 江苏科技报报道 ICTC2024 (Read More)
· ICTC2024 was successfully held during May 10-12, 2024 in Nanjing, China (Read More)
· ICTC2024 Announcement on Jiangsu Information Technology Application Society. 江苏省信息技术应用学会发布ICTC2024会议通知 (Read More)
· ICTC2024 has been listed into IEEE upcoming conference list. 本届会议已被列入IEEE 支持官方列表 (Read More)
· Warm congratulations to conference Keynote Speaker Prof. Jiangzhou Wang for being elected as Foreign Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering 热烈祝贺ICTC2024主旨报告专家王江舟教授当选中国工程院外籍院士 (Read More)
· ICTC2023论文集在会后2个月被Ei Compendex 和 Scopus 检索 (点击查看)。

Publications 出版支持

Submitted manuscripts will be peer reviewed by the conference scientific committees. Accepted and presented papers will be included into Conference Proceedings, which will be submitted to Ei Compendex and Scopus for indexing. The authors of the papers will be invited to participate in ICTC 2025 to display their research works.
会议火热征稿进行时!文章将由程序委员会严格审核,所有录用论文将收录至会议论文集,并在会后提交至Ei Compendex 和 Scopus 检索。文章作者将被邀请参会展示研究报告。 

ICTC has a credible publication history:
ICTC 2024 | ISBN: 979-8-3503-7351-6 | IEEE Xplore | Ei Compendex and Scopus
ICTC 2023 | ISBN: 978-1-6654-6258-7 | IEEE Xplore | Ei Compendex and Scopus
ICTC 2022 | ISBN: 978-1-6654-9507-3 | IEEE Xplore | Ei Compendex and Scopus
ICTC 2021 | ISBN: 978-0-7381-4286-9 | IEEE Xplore | Ei Compendex and Scopus
ICTC 2020 | ISBN: 978-1-7281-6775-6 | IEEE Xplore | Ei Compendex and Scopus

Please send your manuscript to ICTC 2025 online submission system: https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/ictc2025

Selected papers will be recommended to Q1 Digital Communications and Networks (DCN, ISSN: 2352-8648) after extension
会议将推荐优秀扩展文章至Q1区 Digital Communications and Networks (DCN, ISSN: 2352-8648) 期刊
Digital Communications and Networks (DCN, ISSN: 2352-8648)
Digital Communications and Networks (ISSN: 2352-8648)
 publishes rigorously peer-reviewed, high quality original articles and authoritative reviews that focus on communication systems and networks. All articles are published fully Open Access on ScienceDirect. The journal is indexed by DOAJ, Scopus, SCI, EI, CSCD.
Impact Factor: 7.5, Q1 | CiteScore: 9.9, Q1



Paper Submission Deadline (Full-length Manuscript):  March 20, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: April 15, 2025
Registration Deadline: April 30, 2025
Conference Dates: August 22-24, 2025

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