2024年第五届信息通信技术会议(ICTC 2024)2024年5月10日至12日在中国南京成功举办。
ICTC 2024 invited Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Kin K. Leung (Tananka Chair Professor of Imperial College, U.K., Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Member of Academia European, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow) from Imperial College, UK;
Prof. Jiangzhou Wang (International Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering(RAEng), UK Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of IET) from University of Kent, UK;
Prof. Xiang-Gen Xia (IEEE Fellow, Chang Jiang Chair Professorship (visiting), China, Charles Black Evans Professor) from University of Delaware, USA;
Prof. Guan Gui (IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow AAIA Fellow, IEEE VTS Distinguished Lecturer) from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China;
Prof. O. Bonnaud (Guest Professor at Southeast University, China; Executive Director of National Coordination for Higher Education in Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies, GIP-P-CNFM, France) from Emeritus Professor at University of Rennes, France.
Group Photo of ICTC 2024 |
Welcome Speech: Prof. Zaichen Zhang |
Opening Remarks: Prof. Wanyang Dai |
Host: Prof. Chuan Zhang |
Keynote Speakers of ICTC2024
Prof. Kin K. Leung |
Prof. Jiangzhou Wang |
Prof. Xiang-Gen Xia |
Prof. Guan Gui |
Prof. O. Bonnaud |
Imperial College, UK |
University of Kent, UK |
University of Delaware, USA |
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China |
Emeritus Professor at University of Rennes, France |
Speech Title: Optimization by Learning and Federated Learning for Communication Networks |
Speech Title: mmWave Integrated Communications and Sensing |
Speech Title: Some Thoughts on 6G Modulation |
Speech Title: Intelligent Signal Sensing and Recognition Techniques Towards 6G |
Speech Title: The Strategy of Microelectronics Education to Face the Future Challenges of The New Digital World |
Invited Speakers of ICTC2024
Onsite Highlight moments of ICTC2024
Online Sessions of ICTC2024
Purple Mountain Laboratories Visiting
Excellent Paper Presentation Winners 优秀报告获奖人信息
Paper ID: ET1032
Paper Title: End-to-End Delay Analysis of K-Repetition Grant-Free Access in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems
Presenter: Feng Ye, Southeast University, China
Paper ID: ET1044
Paper Title: Air-Induced Passive Intermodulation Modeling Method Based on CNN-LSTM-FIR Neural Network
Presenter: Huawen Lin, South China University of Technology, China
Paper ID: ET1034
Paper Title: The Shortest Path Algorithm Based on Geometric Symmetry for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Network
Presenter: Benchu Zhang, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
Paper ID: ET1079
Paper Title: Blockchain-Based Task Offloading for Mobile Edge Computing Networks with Server Collaboration
Presenter: Guanglin Zhang, Donghua University, China
Paper ID: ET1020
Paper Title: VAEMax: Open-Set Intrusion Detection based on OpenMax and Variational Autoencoder
Presenter: Zhiyin Qiu, Purple Mountain Laboratories, China
Paper ID: ET1078
Paper Title: Maximum Likelihood Detection Based on Warm-start Quantum Optimization Algorithm
Presenter: Xinlin He, Southeast University, China
Paper ID: ET1080
Paper Title: Study on the Correlation between As-Cast Surface Roughness and Pore Size Using Trained
Presenter: Fangtian Deng, Fraunhofer IGCV, Germany
Paper ID: ET1070
Paper Title: Gemini-the most powerful LLM: Myth or Truth
Presenter: Raisa Islam, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, USA
Paper ID: ET1072
Paper Title: Enhancing Brain Tumor Diagnosis: A Comparative Review of Systems With and Without eXplainable AI
Presenter: Janidu Chathumina, Informatics Institute of Technology, Sri Lanka
Paper ID: ET1004
Paper Title: Fairness-Constrained Throughput Optimization for Coexistence of WiFi and Duty-Cycle 5G NR in the Unlicensed Spectrum
Presenter: Yuwei Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China