Prof. Yanli Xu
Associate Dean at
the School of Information Engineering
Shanghai Maritime University, China
Bio: Yanli Xu, a professor and associate Dean at the School of Information Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University. She graduated from Southeast University in 2012 with a Information and Communication Engineering Ph. D. degree. Her current research interests focused on integrated space-air-ground-sea communication technology and edge computing. These technologies provide high reliability and low delay information transmission for Marine development, environment monitoring, shipping and marine security. Dr. Xu has published over 40 top-quality academic papers, and she has served as guest editor or TPC chair for well-known journals and conferences in the field. She has also been honored as Special Expert for Talent Work in Liaoning Province and the Pearl Plan of Shanghai Pudong New Area.
Kun Guo
East China Normal University, China
Bio: Kun Guo currently is a Professor with the School of Communications and Electronics Engineering at East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. She received the B.E. degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Xidian University, Xi'an, China, in 2012, where she received the Ph.D. degree in communication and information systems in 2019. From 2019 to 2021, she was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore. Her research interests include wireless edge computing and intelligence.
Assoc. Prof.
Xingyu Lu (Personal
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
Xingyu Lu is an associate professor at the School of
Electronics and Engineering, Nanjing University of
Science and Technology (NJUST), Nanjing, China. He
received the B.S. degree and Ph.D degree from NJUST, in
2014 and 2019, respectively. In 2018, he was a visiting
student with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, National University of Singapore.
research program focuses on radar signal processing and
image processing. His research work has been well funded
by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, China Aerospace
Science and Industry Foundation, China Electronics
Technology Group Corporation, and several other
projects. He has authored/co-authored several books,
over 10 patents, and over 30 technical papers in
refereed journals and peer-reviewed conference
proceedings, such as IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote
Sensing, etc. He was awarded the "Top Cited Article
2021-2022" by Wiley in 2022.
Assoc. Prof.
Simeng Feng (Personal
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Bio: Simeng Feng, received the BSc degree in electronic information science and technology from the Ocean University of China, and received the master’s and PhD degrees in wireless communications from the University of Southampton, UK in 2015 and 2019, respectively. She is currently an associated professor with the key laboratory of dynamic cognitive system of electromagnetic spectrum space, ministry of industry and information technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China. Her main research interests include UAV communication networks and optical wireless communications. She has led and participated in more than ten projects, including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, KJW Innovation Zone projects, Jiangsu Provincial Key R&D projects, and Jiangsu Provincial Frontier Leading Fundamental Research Projects. She has published over 20 papers in related fields, and her research achievements have been recognized with the IET Global Innovation Award and the IoTCIT2023 Best Paper Award. She serves as IEEE Member, a senior member of the Chinese Institute of Communications (CIC), a member of the Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE), a member of the Youth Committee of the Communication Branch of the CIE, and a deputy director of the Digital Low-Altitude Special Committee.